Private MasterClass

Avilleira Private MasterClass se crea con el objetivo de ofrecer un espacio destinado a la formación, guiando al alumno en todo momento para cumplir con sus expectativas de la forma más lógica, rápida y efectiva. La programación se hace personalizada.

Un plan de estudios a la medida

Enseño a los estudiantes a aprender a ver, a analizar lo que ven y luego dibujar y pintar de acuerdo con su visión. Cada persona tiene una forma diferente de aprender.

Analizo el mejor modo de ayudarlos utilizando distintos enfoques, según la personalidad del individuo. La Master Class está diseñada para estudiantes de cualquier edad y todos los niveles de experiencia: Desde el principiante hasta el profesional experimentado que busca perfeccionar sus habilidades. El programa se enfoca en las necesidades individuales de cada estudiante.

El espacio está completamente equipado con diversos medios y materiales, por lo que el alumno tendrá a su disposición todo lo necesario para hacer los ejercicios técnicos.

La técnica puede ser: óleo o pastel.

La jornada será de 7 horas de trabajo intensivo. Precio por día: 300€.

Usted puede elegir otras opciones:

3 días 800€

5 días 1.300€

Si el alumno desea más días de aprendizaje no dude en preguntar.

Póngase en contacto para precios para 2 o más estudiantes.

El estudio está en Calera y Chozas (Toledo) Spain.

Comida y alojamiento no incluido.
– Hay varios hoteles en Talavera de la Reina que están a 15 min en coche del estudio.
– En Calera y Chozas hay un modesto hostal a cinco minutos andando del estudio.
– El estudio dispone de cocina con todo lo necesario para cocinar y no tener que salir del estudio si no lo desea.
– Alojamiento y comida en la Casa Estudio del artista, consultar precio.



Sheila Flaherty. Irlanda
I attended a Private Master class in Hyperrealism Oil Painting at the studio of Antonio Castelló Avilleira from the 15th to 22nd of August 2022. Earlier that year I travelled to Rome to take a group workshop with Antonio from 11th-13th of March at Scuola Le Muse. I learned so much in the 3 days in Rome that I was very keen to do the private masterclass and booked it with Antonio before I left Rome to return to Ireland. It is rare to find an artist at Antonio’s level who is also willing to share their process.
I am a painter based in Dublin, Ireland. Before taking Antonio’s Masterclass I had tried to learn hyperrealism oil painting by many various means including trial and error, online courses, YouTube and other in person masterclasses with artists I admire. Antonio’s masterclass was by far the best and most effective workshop I have ever done. The group workshop was excellent but the private Masterclass was another higher level again. My own art work has improved exponentially after learning from Antonio. He is not only a master artist but a master teacher. He explains his meticulous process in a way that is easy to follow and understand. I don’t even speak Spanish and was able to learn with ease. Antonio is a generous teacher showing every part of his method that results in his beautiful hyperrealistic paintings. He is also patient and encouraging. I can’t recommend Antonio’s Private Masterclass enough. In my years of working as a painter and in all the training, classes I have taken and art colleges I have attended in Ireland and abroad this has been the best opportunity to grow and improve as an artist. It has been an honor to learn from the best artist and an enjoyable experience. I feel much more confident as a painter that I did before. With the new skills I have developed from Antonio’s process and that I continue to practice my painting is greatly improving. I also feel very motivated now that I see what’s possible and can set an even higher bar for itself as a painter. If you wish to learn hyperrealism oil painting Antonio’s private Masterclass is a must. Sheila Flaherty, Oil Painter, Dublin, Ireland


Valdete Muniz Lucas. Brasil
Participar de uma masterclass privada com o Mestre da Pintura Hiper-realista Antonio Castelló Avilleira foi um grande privilégio. Foi a chance que eu precisava de ter contato direto com um mentor de excepcional reconhecimento e de aprender os passos avançados da pintura a óleo diretamente com um artista de sucesso internacional.
O renome do profissional, por si, já assegurava que a aula seria especial e master. Estar individualizada na presença desse importante Artista e de vê-lo executar diante dos meus olhos os detalhes das pinturas que tanto admirava por fotos me faziam sentir que eu própria era prestigiosa, tamanho o estímulo e o entusiasmo.
No entanto, foi a forma tão especial e simples de se expressar do Professor, aliada à sua maneira de me atribuir coragem e ensinamento com sua técnica e metodologia adequadas, o que me fez de fato compreender que estava diante do momento de grande passo rumo à pintura hiper-realista.
Antonio me fez acreditar e comprovou que eu mesma poderia realizar delicadas pinceladas na “pele” da minha referência. Ganhei confiança e estima por meus próprios trabalhos.
Sem contar que durante a aula tive acesso a conteúdo exclusivo, que acelerou vertiginosamente meu processo de aprendizado, através de lições e informações que o Professor desenvolveu na sua trajetória individual.
Sem dúvida, participar de uma masterclass com Antonio Avilleiro, nesse formato de aula de conteúdo riquíssimo, criou um diferencial na minha vida e algo valioso para as minhas pinturas: a teoria e a técnica desse Grande Mestre da Atualidade.


Kelly Abarca. Peru
Fue una de las mejores experiencias de mi vida, tener la oportunidad de conocer a una persona tan talentosa como Antonio, aprender sus técnicas y estar en su estudio rodeado de arte, fue inolvidable. No solo me enseñó técnica y teoría, sino también a amar mi pintura y a entender que puedo lograr lo que yo quiera si me lo propongo. Agradezco a Antonio por hacerme sentir como en casa y por enseñarme tanto.


Svjetlana Oquinarena. Francia
I spent an entire day learning with Antonio and was wonderfully received. His patience is remarkable as well as his pedagogy with very clear and detailed explanations on each step of the process to achieve my artistic goal. He also recommended me some new material which was really helpful. Antonio’s approach of teaching is thorough and caring. Marvellous experience.


Txitxo Sánchez. Bolivia
Jamás pensé tener la oportunidad de presenciar un verdadero estudio profesional de un pintor excepcional y mejor persona como lo es Antonio No solo encontré un maestro si no un amigo!!! Gracias Antonio x la oportunidad.


Arnaud. Francia
Que dire de mon cours personnel avec Antonio? Exceptionnel! Tant sur le plan artistique que personnel.
Concernant le coté artistique, Antonio fournit un cours très personnalisé et adapté à vos besoin, en vous montrant tout ce qu’il sait; que cela soit au travers de l’explication du mélange des couleurs, en passant par l’organisation des couleurs sur la palette, pour finir avec la réalisation d’une peinture durant laquelle il m’a montré sa technique (en l’occurrence pour moi, le portrait réaliste de sa fille). Il prend le temps de répondre à toutes vos questions avec des explications complètes et détaillées. Jamais il ne regarde la montre, il est généreux avec son temps, on sent la passion de son métier.
La technique qu’Antonio m’a enseigné va faire grandement évoluer ma peinture, que cela soit; comment trouver les couleurs exactes de mon modèle, mais aussi comment faire les petits détails qui donnent du réalisme à mon oeuvre.
Sur le plan personnel, Antonio est une personne très sympathique et agréable, avec qui j’ai boucoup parlé (peinture et autre) et rigolé. Il vous met très vite à l’aise! Pour finir, c’est un artiste très humble pour l’énorme talent qu’il a, comme on en voit peu, et c’est très appréciable!
Antonio, un grand merci!


Santi Cortes. Colombia
Antonio es una persona increíble y un artista extraordinario, con mucho conocimiento dispuesto siempre a enseñar todas sus técnicas, muchas gracias por la paciencia y por enseñar tanto arte al mundo, gracias maestro.


Thore. Italia
Mi experiencia ha sido muy interesante y muy informativa. Antonio es una persona muy interesante y preparada, es un grande estudioso que está siempre en constante búsqueda, mutación y crecimiento. Me enseñó varias técnicas y me transmitió muchas cosas positivas que me han marcado.
Ha sido una experiencia qué recomiendo a todos, porque puede dejar mucho conoscer un grand artista como el, y también hacerte crescer personalmente y artísticamente.


Elana Spruijt – Kamaeva
When I saw for the first time Antonio’s work on Instagram, I understood right away that I was going to attend his Master classes as soon as possible. A few
months later I met Antonio in person at his Master Class in Rome consisting of several days of intensive and productive group lessons, attention to every detail and an individual approach to every single student attending. During those same days I found out that Antonio also does private lessons at his studio in Calera y Chozas which is not far from Madrid. Another few months later I was there in Spain, experiencing the best private lessons which probably exist in the world of art. Apart from Antonio’s obvious talent, another super important aspects is that he is kind, genuine, thoughtful and completely devoted to what he does. Our day would start in the early morning and finish at sunset. All that time the maestro himself is just there by your side, guiding you through, he shows everything he knows from a sketch to little detail tricks.
Also, I have to mention the atmosphere in his studio which makes you feel as if you are at home, so cozy and heartwarming. Even though we spoke different languages we could understand each other perfectly as we would use Google translator. Also I’ve picked up some Spanish words to my vocabulary and increased my language skills. On the other hand, there were moments when words weren’t needed and you could understand what is happening just by watching Antonio’s demonstrations. He calmly and patiently explains and shows it to you. Later we would have our lunch together talking about art and completely other topics which created a very easy and comfortable atmosphere. I felt I knew Antonio and his wife Anna forever — such easy and light communication with them. After one week I had to leave and I was leaving with tears in my eyes for those wonderful days we spent together but with multiple levels up in my skills. I’m proud my journey led me to meet these amazing people who I can call my friends now. I would more than recommend to anyone to learn art from Antonio – one of the best, no doubts here.